Journal of Heresies

My search for truth in a world of deceit.

Location: United States

I have what is probably an insatiable desire to search out the answers to what may be impossible questions.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Bible Study Challenge

Last night I was thinking about my blog and how it might look in the future. I was also thinking some about why I haven't been writing. One reason I don't write is because I don't have many answers, mostly a lot of questions. When I find an answer, it creates even more questions.

So, I had an idea. I'm going to post questions on my blog. The intent is to stimulate discussion about interesting biblical, historical and philosophical topics. Some of the questions are ones that I struggle with, and some are not. Some will appear easier to answer than they really are. Others may not have an answer. Whatever question I ask, I hope that it will stimulate thought and discussion, both in my blog and in your personal lives. I want people to dig into the Bible and into the extra-biblical resources available to enrich the understanding of all participants.

I will moderate comments and they may not appear on the blog immediately. I will allow all comments that are not spam. However, this is not a place for personal attacks and I will not tolerate disrespect or abusive behavior. Please keep answers on topic and as short as possible to facilitate the interchange of ideas. I may contact anyone who posts a comment that is off topic or very long, to request that the comment be edited.

Eventually, I will probably add links on my blog to the bloggers who regularly participate.

I'll post the first question tomorrow.

Enjoy! And tell your friends. :)


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