Journal of Heresies

My search for truth in a world of deceit.

Location: United States

I have what is probably an insatiable desire to search out the answers to what may be impossible questions.

Monday, December 19, 2005

What is heresy?

It seems fitting in my "Journal of Heresies" that I should define "heresy" and it associations. According to my New American Webster Handy College Dictionary:

heresy - n. an unorthodox doctrine or opinion, especially in religion.

orthodox - adj. holding sound, generally accepted views, especially on religion. 2. approved; conventional

Therefore, in summary, heresy is either unsound, or generally unaccepted doctrine or opinion, especially in religion.

Etymologically however, orthodox comes from ortho=right/correct + dox=teaching, so the original meaning of orthodox was "correct teaching." Using the original definition, heresy is an incorrect or false teaching.

Ideally, the generally accepted doctrines would also be orthodox (in the old sense). Then, both the modern definition and the original would agree and the state of heresy would be obvious. However, when the generally accepted doctrines are incorrect, there arises something self-contradictory, a paradox (oh no! another dox!). The correct (orthodox) view is not the accepted approved (orthodox) view. Both views can be defined as heretical, yet rarely does either view define itself as such.

Whose heresies am I journalling? Mine? or someone elses? That will depend quite a lot on which side you agree with, and which definition you use.


Blogger lkn4truth said...

Loved your definition of Heresy. As you basically pointed out, Heresy is in the eye of the beholder. You once called yourself a heretic and by one definition you definately are since your beliefs do not agree with the "accepted" doctrine of the modern church. But, your beliefs are not heretical to scripture in most cases.

8:50 AM, January 24, 2006  

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